The Gift of Sleep:

A Sleep Soothing System for 12 Weeks and Older


Are you ready to give your baby The Gift of Sleep?

Are you ready to give YOURSELF The Gift of Sleep?


If you’re anything like most new parents you worry about:

  • Making sure your baby gets the required 14 hours of sleep within a 24 hour period.

  • Managing Wake windows, dream feeds, and number of daily naps.

  • Giving ALL the love but not wanting to spoil your infant with constant contact naps.

In short - there is SO much to worry about! Oh yeah, and you’re not sleeping either! Life can feel out of control when you’re up at all hours. It’s hard to be at your best for your baby if no one is sleeping.

It’s easy to feel Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Anxious. & Confused.

The Sleep Soothing System transformation will leave you feeling:

Rested. Confident. In Control and with Predictable Routines


What if I told you that:

✔ You don’t have to be a sleep-deprived to be a parent. 

✔ You can foster your career and relationships without ignoring your baby’s needs. 

And YES!

✔Your baby can learn to self-soothe at 3 months old.

Early use of a special lovey creates healthy, independent sleep associations.

Hello! I’m Cara Tyrrell, an early childhood educator, early years caregiver, and conscious parenting coach on a mission to support your new-mom personal development journey while teaching you how to be your baby's first teacher!

For 30 years, I have been lovingly teaching infants to fall asleep gently on their own with my proven, scientifically-backed method for soothing themselves to sleep.

This Sleep Soothing System isn’t “training” your baby to sleep. It helps you teach your baby their first skill. And self-soothing is a skill that will follow your child through their entire life. It will help them not only to fall asleep on their own but to regulate emotions as they get older.  

I want all parents to have access to this system because, in short, it’s effective!

And it works in a way that’s:

Gentle on your little one. (definitely no crying it out)

Backed by science. (simple and easy-to-follow routines)

Gentle on you! (no ignoring your baby)

You want to raise a happy, healthy, successful child.

And that starts with safe, predictable sleep.

But, the truth is, most parents don’t know that their 12-week-old (yes! your tiny swaddled bundle) is able to create cause and effect connections in their adorable little brain!

Often, we miss the teaching window and…

Have to break unhealthy habits and sleep associations to teach healthy sleep and self skills.

(hint: you do not want this to be you!)

It is SO much more work than starting at the beginning!

(hint hint: older kids have strong opinions about sleep.)

Read: avoid this battle at all costs!

Mastering sleep starts now and here's the good news.

Why now?

Reason 1: You’re tired. The kind of tired you feel in your bones. The kind that may - or may not - cause you to put the milk in the cupboard instead of the fridge.

Reason 2: Your baby’s early cognition window is open NOW, making cause & effect sleep associations.

Reason 3: This system is BETA tested and parent approved!

Now Here are Some Well Rested Parents - and Kids!

  • Laura M.

    “Our baby would only sleep if being held or supported by an external stimuli (like her swing). I never thought she would sleep on her own. The program quickly taught her how to put herself to sleep and made her feel comfortable and safe in her own sleep space. She is happy, sleeping well and thriving - and so am I!

  • Julia C.

    “We’ve had an amazing sleeper since putting your program into practice. It was a real game changer for our family! Can’t thank you enough.”

  • Erica K.

    “This system is priceless! In four days I had a baby going to sleep by himself at 6:30pm and had the rest of the evening for my husband and I. OMG! I’d pay anything for these results.”

  • Chris M.

    “We were exhausted! I loved holding our sleeping baby but it wasn’t sustainable. Now she puts herself to sleep and we get some “us” time. Need sleep? Check out this course!”

This system works for :


The Gift of Sleep Soothing System



Sign up for The Gift of Sleep: A Sleep Soothing System for 12 Weeks and Older, and receive:

✔ A self-paced course of pre-recorded videos that help you learn this system at your own pace when it fits into your busy schedule.

✔ Downloadable resources & corresponding workbook – where you can journal, document, and collect sleep data all in one easy-to-review binder.

Total Value: $349


Do you still have questions about the sleep course? Here are some of the most common.

Q: How is Sleep Soothing different than other sleep training programs?

A: The answer is in the name. We teach you how to teach your baby to learn the skill of self-soothing. This does not include traditional cry-it-out methods. This system prioritizes who your baby is as you implement a safe, secure, routine with predictable, repeatable, and proven results. Our system sets the foundation for your baby to develop into their true self, promoting readiness to learn other self-skills as they grow.

Q: Three or even four months just seems so early to sleep soothe. Is there really a benefit to starting now? What happens if I wait?

A: We know it feels early. You still have an infant in your arms who, by all external appearances, cannot do anything for themselves. But this is the magic of babyhood. Their brain can and is doing tons of things by itself! At 12-16 weeks your baby's early cognition window has opened and they are able to begin making cause and effect connections using their sensory body. This is the time to take proactive steps to teach the skill of self-soothing. What happens if you wait. In short: it will take longer and your baby will have a stronger opinion. Going back to go forward is never fun!

Q: Will sleep soothing ruin my bond with my baby?

A: No! In fact, it will strengthen it. Kids feel safe and secure within predictable routines and structures. By setting them up with a sleep routine early in life your bond will be based on the Core4Connectors. This strong foundation will allow you to help them grow and develop within other routines and structures you create within your home.


Don’t sleep on this window of opportunity (pun intended)

Act now before the special introductory rate disappears!


See you inside the course, and then in dreamland!

With Gratitude and sleepy thoughts…